One of the posts I’ve been able to bring back from the dead is indeed my “Gyaru Circles: The Real Deal” that explains all of the technicality behind actual Gyaru circles/Ibesa, but here’s a refreshing perspective from a former Sa-jin about life in a Gyaru circle – the lowdown comes from Ikumin a HARLEM Sa-jin (H-Jungle sister circle). Enjoy! ♡

What do Gyaru Circles do?


Ibesa sa-jin would hold meetings two to three times a week. Depending on the amount of people attending, these could be held in fast food establishments or would require a conference room, after which they’d go out to eat together. These meets typically consisted in the planning of attracting customers for events and circle hyping activities.

There are also meets on a bigger scale when planning events like D-1 or Campus Summit that required sa-jin from all participating circles to attend in order to plan and execute the event successfully.


As mentioned above, Sa-jin would typically meet to plan and put together events on a bigger scale as well as within their own circle. The main events that each circle needed to prepare for was: D-1 Grand Prix, Love Sunshine, and their own retirement ceremonies (more about this in the upcoming Gyaru circle post).


One thing I greatly admire from every legit Gyarusa is that they all did everything as if they were business people. For a business to be successful and get attention, it needs proper marketing and Gyaru circles were no different. Sa-jin were responsible for getting their Gyaru circle in the media and across as many people as possible in order to get it in front the largest number of people and continue recruiting.


But of course it’s not all business and hard work! Gyaru circles also formed events to travel and go to different outings and events together such as camping, Tokyo Disney trips, and so much more.