There’s a point to this, I promise LOL. Even though most likely that point won’t actually be made available until another post but bear with me here.

Back in 2014, a news website did a small census about Gyaru’s popularity — the year of course being super important due to Gyaru’s culture decline/annihilation and other styles’ rise.

A total of 200 readers were interviewed for this, all female and single (why that was an important factor is…something).

Do you think Gals are popular?

23.5% YES

76.5% NO

Below are all of the different categories and answers given when deciding whether Gals are popular or unpopular.


“I think Gals are popular”

Gyaru’s strengths

Evaluating Gyaru’s ability to communicate

A Gal’s Looks

From a Man’s Perspective

“I think Gals are unpopular”

A bad image

Point being…

Neat Girls versus Gals

An Outdated Subculture

Let’s consider this a prelude to the actual point. If we’re looking at both the negative and positive outlooks, there’s a lot of concern on how Gals are perceived for other people in society. We know that Japan has been notorious for being very conservative despite the fashions and subcultures that have come out of it, but ultimately it seems that Japan’s society standards into what’s appealing are what win the argument.

Going back into what’s considered the Gyarpocalypse, I’ve outlined that there are a few different factors, some I’ve still yet to really go into, but one of the most important is the appeal that Gyaru makes towards others. Unfortunately, this mindset was also a contributing factor into Gyaru’s decline — more of this in another post!