This is a style of Gyaru that rose to popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Himegyaru is a substyle of gyaru, meaning “princess gal”. The name comes from the use of the word “hime”, which means princess in Japanese. The look of himegyaru is very glamorous, with lots of frills and lace.

This style became popular because it was seen as more fashionable than other styles at the time, especially among young women who wanted to be popular with boys or get attention from older men. Many girls began dressing up like princesses in order to feel special and important.

Another reason why this style became popular was that it was expensive; many girls spent money on their outfits from secondhand clothing shops or made their own dresses using fabric bought from these stores. Similar to how Gyaru wear long hair, makeup, and nail polish as part of their style—himegyaru emphasizes femininity through their appearance by wearing frilly dresses with lots of lace details. They also tend not to wear pants or sneakers as many other Gals do; instead opting for skirts or dresses with petticoats underneath for extra volume!